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Straight blade, 13 mm long.
Double, sharp retractors
Double, blunt retractors
Curved, 150mm
approx. 2.5mm - 25 pics
6 sizes
1 box - 5 stripes per box
Please select the type from the dropdown menu below the price.
Blue granuloma, ball
Pack of 10
Please select the size and type in the menu below the price.
Straight pliers for removing rings
With serration - Length 120mm
Swedish Type 1.8 ml
Various colors.
Sintered Carbide - Length 140mm
Sintered Carbide - Length 170mm
TC Mini ligatures cutting pliers
TC Straight Castroviejo Needle Holder 140mm
Crimpable 10pcs/pack
Tweed pliers for forming loops.
Tweed/Angle Mini pliers
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